Sunday 2 October 2016

Linear Motion

Posistions represent the location of an object in a coordinate system. Example of we walk 10 m to the front and 5 m back the total position is added 10+5=15

we say an object is displaced when its position change of position. Example a guy walk 10 m to the north then 5m back back to the south the displacement only 5m because 10-5=5 and he only change postion or 5 m
Equation in Linear motion
Equation 1= relation between initial velocity final velocity, time take and the acceleration (A= V1-V0/T= Vo+at)
Equation 2= relation between distance ,initial velocity, acceleraton and time D= Vo+1/2 at^2

Equation 3= relation between initial velocity, final velocity, acceleration, distance V1^2=Vo^2 +2as

Example: An apple falls from a tree and 0.5 second later hits the ground. How fast is the apple falling when its hits the ground?

* V1=Vo+at
V1=0 + 10x0.5
V1= 5m/s
 we use the equation because it has vo and time but we need to find the acceleration between them

we can determine the positive, negative and zero
*0-5= positive
*5-10= zero
*10-15= negative
*20-25= Negative


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