Monday 14 November 2016

Projectile and Cicular motion

A. Projectile motion
  Projectile motion is a form of motion in which an object or particle (called a projectile) is thrown near the earth's surface, and it moves along a curved path under the action of gravity only. The implication here is that air resistance is negligible, or in any case is being neglected in all of these equations. The only force of significance that acts on the object is gravity, which acts downward to cause a downward acceleration. Because of the object's inertia, no external horizontal force is needed to maintain the horizontal velocity of the object.

This is an example of a projectile motion lets assume that the deegre is 30 deegre and the velocity is 60m/s
We can find to find :
1. Vox= 60.cos 30 = 52
    Voy= 60.sin30 = 30
2. Velocity at certain time at the respect of horizontal ex: 2 sec
    √Voy^2+Vox^2=√30^2+52^2= 60m/s
3. Height or the range of the projectile for example we take the Range of the bullet at 2 sec at the respect of the Horizontal
  Vox . time
  52.2= 104 m
4. Next we can find the maximum height of the projectile
  Voy^2/2g= 30^2/20= 900/20= 450